About USMX

The United States Maritime Alliance, Ltd. (USMX) represents employers of the East and Gulf Coast longshore industry. Membership consists of Container Carriers, including the largest carriers and carrier alliances worldwide, all major Marine Terminal Operators, and Port Associations representing each port on the East and Gulf Coasts. USMX’s members are responsible for the transportation and handling of cargo shipped to and from the United States. While serving as the representative of the Management groups in Master Contract bargaining, the Alliance also articulates industry positions on regulatory and safety issues; oversees coastwide training, retraining, certification, and recertification programs; and is responsible for administering coastwide fringe benefit funds and programs. The non-profit, incorporated membership association headquartered in Lyndhurst, New Jersey is led by Chairman and CEO, David F. Adam.

Since 1977, USMX and its predecessor organizations have successfully negotiated 10 contracts with the International Longshoremen’s Association, AFL-CIO (ILA) without any coastwide disruptions to service. On September 25, 2018, USMX and the ILA signed a new 6-year agreement covering 14,500 port workers on the East and Gulf Coasts. The new Master Contract commenced October 1, 2018 and will run through September 30, 2024.